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Saturday, February 20, 2010

Male VS Female

Its absolutely commonsense fact: girls like to dance and boys like to hit. Thats why girls become cheerleaders and boys become football players. Girls play mommy and boys pretend to kill each other. Girls like pretty clothes and boys like fire trucks.

For women, their list of hot men includes a dad who waits at the corner bus stop with his toddler son and places him on the bus with a kiss atop the head and waves goodbye as the bus drives away. This man could be thirty pounds overweight and wearing a goofy hat. Women will still find him sexy. For men - a mom doing the same thing - placing her toddler on the bus with a loving kiss and wave - would be just as hot and sexy. As long as she was built like Giselle Bundchen and wearing a leopard-print thong. I know its awful and incredibly simple but its true.

A recent online poll by Woman's Day magazine came up with these results:

When asked which they would rather have - Jennifer Aniston's body or a million dollars - 78% of the women chose the money.

If you had asked men - 78% would have chosen Jennifer Aniston's body - as long as they could press it right up against their own.

As a matter of fact - if they had asked men - they would have found that most men with million dollars would gladly give it up for the chance to touch Jennifer Aniston's body. Or just to see her naked.

Maybe thats the difference between men and women. One of them, anyway. Here is another:

94% of the people in America who visit, pay and place heavy stock in psychics and what they have to say are women. The other 6%? Gay men.

Women go to psychics to find out what the future might hold for them in terms of true love, their children, former lives they may have lived, where their dead father/boyfriend/best friend might be. Straight men? They are very cut and dried, very black and white. If psychics are capable of seeing into the future - why the fuck cant they give us the score of Super Bowl? *sigh*



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