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Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Body Intuition

Intuition - the sixth sense - is not a special ability restricted to a few. Every cell in our body has energy and intelligence. We constantly use our energy field to subconsciously scan other people's energy and the environment for danger. We may be alerted by a physical feeling, such as a tightening of the neck and shoulder muscles or queasiness in the stomach. When this happens, our body's intelligence is trying to keep us safe.

Humans are not only creatures to have sixth sense. Animals have it too, although we tend to call this 'instinct'. For instance, we cannot explain the incredible navigational abilities of racing pigeons, migrating birds, fish and insects, or how pets appear to know when their owners are on their way home.

Make better use of this facility by taking your attention to the area around your solar plexus (this is where most of us feel it), and asking a question such as, 'Is this right for me?' An uncomfortable feeling or general sense of unease could be your intuition urging you to back off, slow down or delay making a decision.

If you doubt the wisdom in the cells of your body, try this: clasp your hands together and ask a question - is this true or false? - and try to pull them apart. The harder it is to pull them apart, the more likely it is to be true. Give yourself these suggestions and see what happens:

- It is good for my body to eat lots of rich, sugary, fatty foods.
- It is good for my body to eat lots of fresh fruit, salads and vegetables.



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