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Monday, February 8, 2010

The Reality of Physical World

Before Einstein, the world was thought to be a collection of atoms behaving according to fixed and observable 'law', and space was exactly that - empty space. This explaination seemed to fit the data in Newton's day, but it changed with the edvent of quantum physics. We now know that matter is merely energy condensed to a slow vibration. Break an atom down to its ultimate components, and we find microscopic particles spinning at great speed around a central core. What appears solid is actually more than 99.99% empty space; billions of tiny particles flying in formation, held together by an invisible forcefield. Everything in the universe is made up of energy. Even space is not really empty: it is a 'presence', an inexhautible 'potential' that manifests in places as matter.

Moreover, when particles are studied in detail, they dont actually exist! Rather, they are tendencies to exist. They appear and disappear millions of times a second and move at inestimable speeds. We cant even assume they exist when they are not being observed. Everthing , including you, come out of an invisible energy field which, when investigated, is shown to have nothing in it!

If nothing exists, then how is it that things appear solid? its because our consciousness tells us so. It is playing a trick on us. Nothing is solid, except in our imagination.

For example, take a pile of bricks. you cant see through it. It feels solid. You believe it is solid. If you were to try and break it with your hands, you would injured yourself. You belief would be proved valid through painful experience. On the other hand, a martial arts expert looks at a pile of bricks differently. He does not percieve it to be solid. He focuses his mind, directs his energy and smashes it with his bare hand without the slightest pain. His belief is also proved to be correct.

Who is right? Both. If your consciousness tells you that something is so, it is. For you.



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